
画像はイメージ(Flicker/ Nadine Schaeffer



@cleanthatup Revive your wooden cutting board in a zesty way! ? Spread a handful of coarse salt over the board, then cut a lemon in half and use one side to scrub the salt into the wood in a circular motion. The salt acts as a gentle abrasive to lift stains while the lemon juice cleans and leaves a fresh scent. The oil I used for this was from @earlywood_designs NOTE: if you use your wood cutting board with raw meat and need to sanitize, mix 1 tablespoon of chlorine bleach into a gallon of cool water and gently scrub your board. Rinse well with warm water and let it air dry. Then follow the steps in the video. Happy Cleaning ? #cleaningtiktok #cleaning #cuttingboard ♬ original sound – Clean That Up!

Text by 本間才子