20 Toxic Foods You Should Be Aware of: Dangerous Everyday Foods

urfin / shutterstock.com

4. Tomato

selim tekin / shutterstock.com

Tomato contains a substance similar to the natural toxin found in the buds and green skin of a potato.

A toxic substance in tomatoes, glycoalkaloid, is called tomatine, which is found in the green parts of tomatoes, leaves, stems, and blue unripe fruit. Fully red, mature fruits contain very little of this substance. A part with the highest concentration of tomatine is the tomato flower. So, if you cultivate tomatoes in your vegetable garden, please do not eat their flowers out of curiosity.

However, as with the potato, it is not necessary to check the ripeness of the tomato too nervously, as only eating a huge amount of tomato at a time may cause death.

Even when eating blue tomatoes, tomatine is removed from the human body and does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, consuming small amounts of blue tomato for a few days will not cause any problems.

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Text by 青葉やまと