Top 20 Most Addictive Foods: Make sure you don’t overeat those popular foods you just can‘t resist!

Paulo Vilela, The Image Party, Jiri Hera, Qilin's prance Filmmaker /

#14: Popcorn flavored with butter (2.64)

Glevalex /

If you eat microwave popcorn, you will consume three-quarters of the recommended daily amount of saturated fatty acids. In addition, this addictive food is high in salt, sugar, and fat, and it stimulates the brain. Despite its high calorie content, popcorn has a problem with being low in nutrients.

#13: Bread roll (2.73)

Cesarz /

Wheat, the raw material for bread rolls, contains gliadin, a type of protein. This ingredient creates an opiate-like effect in your body, leading to a state of addiction that makes you want to consume more. Be cautious about eating too many bread rolls.

Next page: This food has a similar effect on the brain as cigarettes and drugs

Text by Yamato Aoba