東京は今や、洗練されたモダンなコーヒーショップとエスプレッソの魅惑にあふれる街だ。この街に星の数ほどあるカフェの中でも、OMOTESANDO KOFFEE(表参道コーヒー)は、新しいコーヒー文化の女王として多くのエスプレッソ好きから崇拝されていた。優れたプロのバリスタの献身的な仕事ぶりと深いコーヒー通の知識に加え、クリーンなデザインとコンセプトで愛された同店は、建物の老朽化のため2015年に惜しまれつつ閉店した。店主の國友栄一さんは、OMOTESANDO KOFFEEの支店を海外にいくつもオープンしたが、東京には店舗がないままだった。
そして2017年、KOFFEE MAMEYA(コーヒーマメヤ)が登場した。人目につかない表参道の路地裏にある、不思議な「サイン」(6×6のグリッドに並んだ36個の金色の正方形)だけが目印のマメヤは、OMOTESANDO KOFFEE跡地に建てられた國友さんの新しい子どもだ。古い建物を撤去し、考え抜かれたミニマルなスペース。黒い木の入口をくぐり石畳を進むと、一鉢の立派な盆栽の右手に店内に通じる木の引き戸がある。
コーヒーの淹れ方とコーヒーとの出会いを完成させるという点で、國友さんはOMOTESANDO KOFFEEでやっていたことを踏襲し、次のレベルに引き上げた。コーヒー豆マニアや次の一杯をパーフェクトに淹れたいと模索するコーヒーの夢追い人のために、そして、ゴージャスなコンテンポラリーアートのような空間でパーフェクトなコーヒーを手に入れたい私たちのために現れたのが、コーヒーマメヤだ。
後記…【速報】来年、表参道の某所で、OMOTESANDO KOFFEE(表参道コーヒー)をリニューアルオープンすると國友さんが確約してくれました。今から楽しみですね!
All photos by Satoru Tada
Vaughan | ヴォーン
Coffee. It punctuates many of our days. We crave it. We reward ourselves with it. We use it for down time, we use it to get through the afternoon shift, to wake up, to end a long late dinner. Some of us obsess about it; which beans, which roasts, which barista making which pour over vs siphon vs cold press.
Coffee has walked a long way since it left Africa in the pockets and notebooks of early explorers and traders; treasured by humans for its deep complex flavour and pleasant stimulating effect. In Japan, coffee arrived late, carving out its foothold in the kissaten of the thirties. There for a long while it happily waited, as traditional filter coffee, brewed amongst the cigarette smoke and velveteen and conversation. The new wave arrived in Tokyo in the 90s, bringing on its heels the current coffee obsession that is blossoming in the city.
Tokyo is now no stranger to slick modern coffee shops and to the lure of espresso. Yet amongst the cities thousands of cafes, Omotesando Koffee, now closed, was revered as Queen of the new coffee culture by many espresso-hounds. Beloved for its clean design and concept, as well as the dedication of the uber professional baristas and their depth of coffee insider know-how, its closure due to building issues a couple of years ago was much mourned. Owner Kunitomo-san opened Omotesando Koffee clones in a number of overseas locations but left Tokyo bereft.
And now there is Koffee Mameya. Reborn at the old Omotesando Koffee site, secreted in a maze of upmarket back lanes, and marked only by an obscure ‘sign’ (thirty-six gold squares aligned six by six), Mameya is the new child of Kunitomo-San. The old building is gone and in its place is a thoughtful minimal space, the black timber entrance way and stone path past a single stately bonsai leading to a timber sliding door that opens into the room.
To be clear, this is not a cafe. You can buy a coffee here but there are no seats. There is no food or other drinks. You come here for coffee. And it’s serious.
The interior is part science lab, part temple and the vibe is deep coffee. The pale wood counter is bare apart from an inlaid square displaying various coffee beans. The sleek custom-built espresso machine, the only of its kind in Japan, is hidden behind. The entire back wall is a neatly arranged grid of packaged beans in colors, reflecting roast levels, like a contemporary art installation of coffee homage. There are test tubes. And baristas in white lab coats.
Patrons line up patiently, waiting their turn.
Kunitomo’s concept with Mameya is to help customers to deepen their coffee understanding and appreciation. Essentially it is a place to learn about and buy high-end beans, carefully sourced from boutique roasters around the world. Kunitomo personally travelled and met with roasters before selecting those he would stock. He says many roasters were initially sceptical of his concept, feeling that anyone could buy their beans online so why would they go to a stockist. They tried to dissuade him.
Kunitomo, though, is a man with a coffee vision. He talks passionately about interfacing between coffee drinkers and roasters. About coming to understand people’s coffee preferences with them, and supplying them with the perfect beans for their individual tastes, and teaching them how to brew their own perfect coffee. About helping them appreciate the story of their beans and roasters, and the huge range of wonderful and different coffee experiences available to them.
Customers can have a personal ‘coffee record’ or ‘karute’ where the barista records their preferences and feedback, their ‘coffee history’, to enable him to predict what other beans and roasts they will enjoy.
One by one customers reverentially approach the counter and are served. They receive the coffee masters undivided attention. Perhaps they are just ordering a coffee. It will be prepared with the focus of a surgeon. Perhaps they are discussing their next bean purchase. The menu may be reviewed, a graph like grid which grades beans on a spectrum: light to dark roast on the vertical axis, high to low mouthfeel on the horizontal axis. A lengthy serious discussion may ensue. Unrushed.
In many ways Koffee Mameya has more in common with what we expect at a beautiful traditional teahouse than a coffee shop – a single-minded dedication and air of respect and deep devotion. The fascination with the varieties and methods of bean and brewing.
Of course it is not all so constrained. There are jokes and laughter and a general air of peaceful pleasure about the place. There is easy chat across the counter and between slightly awed waiting patrons. Each evening from six to seven, after the shop has closed, there is a ‘coffee workshop’. This is a chance for customers to come in and have what Kunitomo describes as “coffee talk’’. They can bring their brewing equipment in, learn about grinds and how they affect flavour, taste different brews and generally pick the coffee masters brains.
Kunitomo has taken what he did at Omotesando Koffee in terms of perfecting both the coffee brew, and also the coffee experience, and notched it up another level. For those bean-chasers and brew-dreamers who spend their hours planning their next cup and how to perfect it, and for those of us who just want to get a perfect coffee in a gorgeous contemporary space, Koffee Mameya has arrived.
Post script… BREAKING NEWS: Kunitomo can confirm that Omotesando Koffee will be reopening somewhere in Omotesando next year. We can hardly wait!
All photos by Satoru Tada