




1500年代に造られたとされる「エクストラ・ムール(extra-murs)」。城壁の内外に建てられた堅牢なヴィラや小さな家々が互いにひしめき合う姿が今も残る。| Photos by Lucy Dayman





ビーチなら、主な見どころは2つある。両者は気軽に徒歩で行き来できる場所にある。そのうちの1つ、プラヤ・グラン・トッサデマール(Platja Gran Tossa de Mar)は長さ約380m、幅60mの「ビッグビーチ」として知られている。中世の城に囲まれ、あちこちにボートが浮かぶ湾を海側から見ると、素晴らしい景観を楽しむことができる。

規模としてはやや小さめながら、実のところ景色の美しさで言えば、ラ・マール・メヌダ(La Mar Menuda)の方に軍配が上がるかもしれない。小さな入り江のような浜は、中世の街並みを囲む石壁と、そそり立つ岩だらけの断崖に囲まれている。手つかずの自然が比較的多く残るラ・マール・メヌダは、シュノーケリングやスキューバダイビングといったスポーツに最適だ。北風も届きにくい位置にある。





Lucy Dayman | ルーシー・デイマン

Instagram: @lucy.dayman.
HP: lucydayman.com

If you find yourself in Barcelona and have a little time to spare make a trip to Tossa de Mar, a picture-perfect coastal castle town and the embodiment of old Spanish/Catalonian charm. You’ll find Tossa de Mar positioned on the Costa Brava, known as the ‘Wild Coast’ to the locals the Coasta Brava tears along the northeastern corner of Spain, connecting to the the French border.

Its location; almost at the halfway point between Barcelona and the French border has for centuries has played a large impact on the influence of the small beachside city. A combination of laid-back Spanish hospitality a sense of French refinement permeates every inch of the city, from the raw, crumbling castle towers to the elaborate network of smooth cobblestone streets. History, culture, sun, sand, and incredible surf, Tossa de Mar is equal parts unique and familiar and always endlessly fascinating.


It’s believed that the first evidence of settlements on Tossa de Mar can be traced all the way back to the Neolithic Period, followed by Iberian settlements in 4th-1st century BC and the Romans in the 1st century.

In the 12th Century, the architectural side of Tossa de Mar we see today started to evolve as the medieval structures of the town were walled off, then a few hundred years later, in the 1500s the residential side of the city exploded, with apartment style housing known as ‘extra-murs’ being built in and around the area to help meet the demands of the population boom. Many of these robust villas and small houses stacked atop one another still stand relatively untouched (at lease from the exterior) to this day.

The arrival of the 1950s saw the city transform once again, this time to become a haven for many of Barcelona and wider Europe’s intellectual and artistic communities. With the arrival of such figures, the city faced an influx of tourists. However quite luckily the city didn’t succumb to the influence of quick tourism cash, stubbornly pushing back against the temptations to develop extensively, staying true to its cultural and historic identity which is why still today you won’t find mega high rise apartments overlooking the bay.

Although the city proudly displays its richly historic roots like a medieval knight would brandish his coat of arms, Tossa de Mar is a socially progressive community. In 1989 the city was the very first in the world to declare itself an anti-bullfighting city for ethical reasons, a massive coy for a town for which much of the nation’s tourism was build on such an event.

What to do

Whether you’re in Spain for the food, the history, the climate or just simply to enjoy the laid back beach atmosphere, Tossa de Mar has it all, almost like it’s somehow managed to distil the best bits of Spain into one well confined, walled off space.

For beaches, there are two main points of interest, both within a casual walk from one another. Platja Gran Tossa de Mar (Playa Grande) is known as the ‘big beach,’ stretching about 380 metres long by 60 metres wide, this boat-dotted bay is enclosed by the town’s medieval castle making for some pretty incredible views from the water.

A slightly more humble offering, La Mar Menuda may actually be the more picturesque of the two beaches. It’s a small little cove-like bay backdropped by the rocky walls of the medieval town and the towering rocky cliffs on which the town was built. With its slightly more untamed beauty, La Mar Menuda is an excellent sport for snorkelling, scuba diving and is protected from the northerly winds.

The town is positioned on the Costa Brava’s popular coastal hiking trail Camino de Ronda, which if you’re serious is well worth considering and an excellent way to see sights. However the town is dotted with more relaxed walking spots that weave their way along the area’s jagged cliffs and are equally as stunning. The best place to begin your hike is a with a visit to the Tourist Information Centre, there you can sign up for a guided tour of pick up a little info on what’s on offer.

Right in the middle of what could be considered the town centre is where the attention-commanding Parish Church of Sant Vicenc stands. This neo-classical style church was built in 1755. Although it doesn’t seem like much from the outside, inside is where its beauty is hidden. The church is an architectural wonder, luminous and regal, the interior walls curve together at the top to create an elegant dome like roof that has been carefully decorated and meticulously cared for throughout the centuries. With an open-door ideology, the church welcomes visitors of all walks of life almost every single day of the year.

How to get there

From Barcelona, you can catch a bus from Barcelona Airport or Barcelona Estacio del Nord direct to Tossa de Mar, the journey takes about an hour and 20 minutes. For a more picturesque journey you can always catch the R1 train which runs along the coast to Blanes and then switch to a bus to Tossa de Mar, this trek takes about two hours, but the view is priceless. By car from Barcelona it’s very straightforward, head down either the C32 or the AP7 motorway.

All photos by Lucy Dayman

Lucy Dayman

Originally from Australia, in 2016 Lucy left her job as an editor of a culture and music magazine in Melbourne to live, work and travel in Japan. Between freelance writing and traveling, she’s been dabbling in film some very amateur film photography, which you can check out on her Instagram: @lucy.dayman. Check out her other writing work and photos at lucydayman.com