

Photos by Vaughan




Photos by Vaughan




Photos by Vaughan



港家 (みなとや)

住所: 東京都台東区鳥越1-15-1
TEL: 03-3851-9801
Open: 10:00 – 19:00

Vaughan | ヴォーン



Sometimes, it is the most apparently ordinary and everyday places that you need, that have the gentle charm and old-time grace you crave. Tokyo is big, fast, restless and uber-modern. It also holds precious little pockets unchanged by the decades; faded streets of ramshackle old buildings in worn palettes, peeling paint on wooden frames, rickety bicycles bumping down narrow roads lined with shops selling pickles and snacks.

In Taito Ward in early summer, a little shop on one of these streets unfurls its kakigori flag on May 1. When I am there three young children come in for their first kakigori of the season. “It’s been a long wait!” say their parents. A man rides past on a bicycle and calls out to storekeeper Mrs Wakabayashi, “The baby has arrived!” and pauses whilst she asks him the details.

Minatoya is the name of her sweetshop. The shop has been in the family for three generations, opening in the 1930s to sell handmade traditional sweets. Mr Wakabayashi still makes the same sweets, alone, by hand, to display in the old glass cabinets. The name translates to “House by the Port” and although I am charmed by the romance of the name, Mrs Wakabayashi is matter-of-fact: “It had no special meaning from the start, we just kept the same name.”

Minatoya serves its unbelievably priced 150-yen simple shaved ice in cartoon decorated polystyrene cups. The shop has no seating, except for a long wooden bench under the front awning. Locals come everyday, some have been coming for thirty years. Children come by after school. It’s the kind of place people come and talk. It’s a part of the neighbourhood. As Mrs Wakabayashi says, “A lot of new places in Japan are very convenient, especially places that you visit everyday – like supermarkets – but there isn’t really any time or chance to communicate with the people.” Having been served kakigori there for three decades, she knows what she is talking about.

Mr and Mrs Wakabayashi have been married for forty years. They have worked together their whole lives in this sweet shop. Trying to imagine doing this with my wife, I ask her if this is a good idea. “I’m not sure,” she says. “This is the only thing we’d know. From the moment our eyes open in the morning, we would be next to each other, right until we fall asleep. 365 days a year. So that’s the way it is. Times might be different now for people, I’m not sure.” Times, indeed, are different.

I order the green tea kakigori with the homemade adzuki topping and some sweets to take home. Mrs Wakabayashi totals up on her abacus, fingers darting across the beads. She denies having any need for a register, saying that there is nothing expensive enough to need to use a machine.

Out in the street it’s a hot afternoon, late sun gilding the glass shopfronts. More school kids come and go. I sit on the bench and enjoy the cold light ice and the sounds of a neighbourhood just going about its own business.

There’s a kakigori renaissance going on in Tokyo. High-end shops ship ice in from particular mountains and serve ornate and spectacular creations in rainbows of flavours and huge glass bowls. This has its own pleasure of course. But the honest loveliness of unadorned old-fashioned local Minatoya has such easy charm. You could sit there at the little house by the port and happily watch the day go by, eavesdropping on Mrs Wakabayashi and the local gossip, watching the street wake up and wind down, kakigori all the way.


Address: 1-15-1 Torigoe Taitou-ku Tokyo
TEL: 03-3851-9801
Open: 10:00 – 19:00
Close on every Sunday

