
大盛況の会場に、ひときわ長い列ができたブースがあった。その先でひたすらコーヒーをいれ続けていたのは、岩野響さん。群馬県・桐生市の「HORIZON LABO」の代表だ。「今回のイベントで最も注目を集める出店者」と、参加者たちの間でも話題になった。

岩野さんが「HORIZON LABO」をオープンしたのは、2017年の4月。イベントのちょうど1年前だ。わずか1年でその評判は日本中に広まり、注文が絶えないほど人気に。普段はラボで焙煎していて、人前でコーヒーをいれるのはこうしたイベントの時だけなので、ファンたちは岩野さんが自らいれる一杯を求めてやってくる。「並んででも絶対に飲んでみたいコーヒー」なのだ。


岩野さんは現在16歳。この若い焙煎士がコーヒーの道を進むことを決めたのにはある背景があった。10歳の時に発達障害のひとつ、アスペルガー症候群と診断された岩野さんは、中学1年の途中で学校に行くことができなくなる。自宅で家事をしたり、両親が営む洋装店の仕事を手伝ったりするなかで、岩野さんは、というより「岩野家」は、学校に行くという選択ではなく、「できること」を仕事にすればいい、と考えるに至った。もともと味や香りに敏感で、食事に使う調味料の銘柄を変えたことにすらすぐに気づくような岩野さんは、小さな頃からコーヒーが好き。学校に行かなくなってから、家族のコーヒーをいれるのは岩野さんの仕事だった。そんな折、以前知人が譲ってくれた小さな手回しの焙煎機を手に取ってみた。それがきっかけで、岩野さんはコーヒー焙煎にのめり込む。そして2017年、「『ひーくん(岩野さんの愛称)にできること』から、『ひーくんにしかできないこと』に」、そんな思いを抱く家族の理解と協力のもと、「HORIZON LABO」がオープンした。












Hibiki Iwano
コーヒー焙煎士。2002年生まれ。2017年に群馬県・桐生市にコーヒーを焙煎して販売するラボ兼ショップ「HORIZON LABO」をオープン。毎月、自ら決めたテーマにあわせて豆を焙煎、販売する。2018年にショップは閉店、コーヒー豆はオンラインショップと取扱い店舗で購入可能。




“Coffee is my partner” – the choice of 16-year-old Coffee Roaster, Hibiki Iwano


The talk of Coffee Fans – a coffee worth the wait


In April 2018, “Tokyo Coffee Festival” was held at Aoyama, Tokyo. Among the crowded booths, one stood out with an exceptionally long queue. There was Hibiki Iwano, single-mindedly making cups of coffee for them. He is also the head of “HORIZON LABO” located in Kiryu, Gunma. He was already well-known prior to the Festival as the “most noted person who will be at the event”.


Just a year before the Festival – in April 2017 – Iwano opened “HORIZON LABO”. That one year was enough to spread its reputation across Japan; it quickly became popular with endless order placements. Normally, he would be roasting coffee beans at the LABO, so, hand-served coffee by Iwano himself is only available at these events. Hence it is a “must-drink coffee even with the long wait” for fans of Iwano.


The 16-year-old Coffee Roaster


Iwano is currently 16 years old. He had his own reasons in deciding to become a roaster at such young age. Iwano was diagnosed as Asperger, a type of development disorder, when he was 10. Eventually, he had to quit school when he was in his first year of middle school (12-13 years old). As he helped his parent’s clothes store and housework, not only Iwano but the Iwano family concluded that he should make what he can do as a job, instead of education. Being naturally sensitive to flavor and scent – he would realize the change in brand of the seasoning – Iwano had loved coffee since he was young. It was his job to prepare coffee for the family since he quit school. Around then, Iwano tried using the small hand-roaster a friend had offered to them before, and the idea of roasting soon captivated him. With his family hoping roasting to become “something hiikun can do to something only hiikun can do (hiikun is Iwano’s nickname)”, “HORIZON LABO” opened with such support and understanding from his family.


Coffee opened the door to life


“Before I started roasting, I couldn’t even speak properly with people and was very gloomy” tells us Mr. Iwano. “It was like I was left in the dark. I couldn’t foresee the future, which made me even sometimes think that, I might die the next day”.


The hard time trying to figure out his life finally paid off though, especially the adults he met during that period being his guideline. “Since my parents owned and managed their own store, there were a lot of adults around them who made work without belonging to a company or an organization. This led me to think that, I should be able to do something as well”. He also mentioned that, he might have not even realized this fact if he was living a normal life, but it was because of his struggles that made him think so.


After a year as a roaster, the biggest change was that he could “meet many people through coffee, and, speak with my [his] own words”. At the age of 15, his enclosed life finally opened up to many opportunities ahead, thanks to coffee.


Coffee is my best partner


Recently, Iwano has been very busy with many invitations to events, however, his day at the LABO in Kiryu is spent with coffee beans, morning to dawn. “I don’t get bored or tired of roasting at all”. Neither roasting all day at the LABO nor pouring so many coffees at events is hard for him. Or even, it is enjoyable. To Iwano, coffee is not a tool for business but a working partner. “When I handle coffee, I would treat it as though it is equal to me, or even, as though I am in a lower position. Measuring and timing is important, but for me, communicating with coffee is more crucial”. Slight adjustments are required daily depending on the beans, humidity, temperature, and the heat of roaster of that day. Apparently, it is the roaster’s job to think what to do next through communication with beans. “There are many determinants of taste, including where it is from or how you pour it, but I firmly believe that roasting is the essence of coffee”. Iwano searches for the slightest, best balance between bitterness and sourness. When that balance is achieved, you find the perfect harmony of bitterness, sourness, scent, and aftertaste. “That coffee when you reached that perfect moment of roast – it’s indescribable”.


“Something only I can do”


Subjects such as life-work balance and variety in working styles are hot topics today. A “customized” way of life, instead of a neatly paved path – Iwano’s way of living seems to be one step ahead of those discussions. It may have not been his choice, but such decision he made at the age of 15 will surely enrich his future.

With great enthusiasm, he tells us that “right now, I want to study coffee more, like visit coffee plantations and interact with coffee culture around the world”. Actually, Iwano had quite a lot of things “he can do” other than roasting. “I like photographs, or, making things by hand. Coffee is of course, very important work to me, but I want to continue challenging other fields that fascinates me as well”.


A Something only I can do for Iwano, after finding Something I can do.

The coffee made by the bright young 16-year-old roaster had a clear and round taste, with a long deep aftertaste.