



彼女によると、「酵素 = 食品酵素 = 体を内側から美化するもの」だとのこと。



発酵シトラスの酵素シロップ 60ml
ジン 60ml(量は好みに合わせて調整)
無香の炭酸水 1本
ライム 1かけ

グラス半周分ほどライムウェッジを走らせてから、グラスの縁に塩をディップする。 グラスを氷で満たし、各グラスあたり30mlの発酵シトラスの酵素シロップとジンを注ぐ。炭酸水をグラスいっぱいまで注ぎ、最後にレモンウェッジを加える。


殺菌したグラスジャーまたは蓋付きのピッチャー。 2L入りが最も使いやすい。

・新鮮なオーガニックシトラス 600グラム(皮を剥いてスライスしたもの)
・グラニュー糖 660グラム


室内の清潔な場所にジャーを保管する。直射日光の当たる場所には置かないこと。1日1回、清潔な手で50回、中身の全体をかき混ぜる。 蓋をゆるめに閉めて、ある程度までシロップが空気に触れるようにしておく。



杉本 雅代

著書『手作り酵素シロップ』文化出版局、『日々によりそう はじめての酵素シロップ』BLUE LOTUS PUBLISHING
無印良品グランフロント大阪Open Mujiにて「酵素と暮らす展」開催。



As a full-time mom, art director, and koso-syrup advocate, Masayo Sugimoto knows how to do her fermented fruit syrups, seasonally. She started to spread her knowledge in homemade fermented syrups, post-2011 Tohoku Earthquake as a way to empower and educate people to “grow” fermented raw enzymes in the comfort of their homes (in Japan we call it “Koso”). She has published two how-to books on Koso-Syrup Making and hosts group workshops all over Japan.

Her workshops has become a much-loved institution, a warm and relaxed space in which one can easily settle down and learn more about the fermentation process and the benefits of implementing “koso” into ones daily rituals. People come a long way to attend Masayo’s workshop to get her unique point of view and make seasonal fermented fruit syrups – all made with high-quality ingredients handpicked from Masayo’s favorite farms in Japan..

Masayo was kind enough to share her staple seasonal fruit fermented drink, KOSO, which aids in digestion and is ultra beautifying. “Koso = food enzymes = inner beauty.”

One of Masayo’s favorite cocktails for the Spring season, Citrus & Gin-Koso cocktail push all the right buttons – bright, refreshing, tart, with a kiss of sweet and salty. It’s fresh, cooling, and a thirst-quencher, perfect for day drinking. They also couldn’t be simpler. Make the fermented syrup ahead of time and mix in a flash. You can play around with the alcohol you choose or go completely alcohol-free, for this batch we used gin.

How to Make Fermented Citrus “Koso” Cocktail

60 ml of fermented citrus syrup
60 ml of gin (adjust to preference)
1 bottle of unflavored club soda
1 lime
flaky sea salt
lots of ice cubes
To prepare each drink, run a lime wedge along the edge of half of each glass, and dip rim in salt. Pour 30 ml of the fermented citrus “koso” syrup into each glass filled with ice. Top off your glass with about club soda and a wedge of lemon.
Serves two.

How to Make Fermented Citrus “Koso” Syrup

Prepare your syrup at least 10-14 days in advanee.

Tools Needed:
Sterilized glass jar or jug with lid. 2L jar is most easy to use.
2 bowls
1 spoon

-Fresh Organic Citrus:: 600 grams, peeled and sliced.
We used 3 lemons and 2 yellow grapefruits.
-Granulated Sugar: 660 grams
-2 springs of mint or herb to your liking

In a clean jar, layer sliced fruit or veggies with sugar in a 1 to 1.1 ratio. We use granulated sugar and a rotating mix of citrus fruit. Lemon, grapefruit and mint is Masayo Sugimoto’s recommended flavor for the Spring season.
Keep the jar in a room temperature or cool place away from direct sunlight. Once a day with clean hands, mix it all together 50 times. Make sure to keep the lid unscrewed, letting some air to interact with the syrup.
You’ll know it’s ready when it starts bubbling. This can take 5 days to 1 week in the warmer months, and 10 to 14 days in the colder weather.
To store the beverage, strain the liquid and place in a glass jar with the screw slightly opened. The syrup can be enjoyed over a years span.

Masayo Sugimoto works as an art director and graphic designer, developing PR strategies, events, products and web work for many lifestyle brands. After the Tohoku earthquake 2011, she has been hosting her raw enzyme syrup-making workshops all over Japan. Her in-depth approach to enzyme syrup-making has been captured in two publications: “Tezukuri Koso Syrup” (translated: Handmade Enzyme Syrup”) and “Hibi ni yorisou, Hajimete no Koso Syrup” (translated: In the Everyday, First Timer’s Enyzme-Syrup). MUJI has also invited Masayo to put on an exhibition focusing on the lifestyle around koso-making at MUJI Grand Front Osaka.

Masayo currently resides in Kanagawa in a coast town located a few hours away from Tokyo.
Follow her latest activities on instagram and website.