アメリカで7年ぶりに観測 皆既日食が北米を席巻
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岩だらけの村、海鳥と羊たち ポルトガルの道なき道を旅する
A boulder-strewn village, screeching seabirds and sheep: Taking Portugal's roads less traveled
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From an old-style Afghan camera, a new view of life under the Taliban emerges
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フィリピン系アメリカ人シェフが本領発揮 ジェームズ・ビアード賞に複数ノミネート
Filipino American chefs come into their own with multiple James Beard award nods
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Casabe, Cuba's little-known traditional bread, seeks world recognition
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Borsch without a 't': Kyiv chef uses food to reclaim culture
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Exclusive dining: Pakistani hole-in-the wall dishes up faves
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